Skin Cancer Screenings

A Skin Cancer Screenings performed by a dermatology provider in a clinical setting is a preventative checkup to detect potential signs of skin cancer early.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect: 

Before the Appointment:
  • You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your medical history and sun exposure habits.
During the Appointment:

1. Preparation: You’ll likely change into a gown and remove all or most clothing and jewelry.

2. Full-Body Exam: The provider will systematically examine your entire body, including your scalp, ears, behind the knees, soles of your feet, and between your toes.

    • Looking for Signs: We’ll be paying close attention to moles and unusual spots, using the “ABCDE” rule as a guide: 
    • Asymmetry: One half unlike the other. 
    • Border irregularity: Ragged or blurred edges. 
    • Color: Variations of brown, black, or red within the same mole. 
    • Diameter: Larger than a quarter-inch (6mm) in diameter. 
    • Evolving: Changing in size, shape, or color over time.

3. Dermatoscope: The provider uses a special magnifying instrument with a light source called a dermatoscope to get a closer look at suspicious lesions.

4. Biopsy (if needed): If a spot raises concern, the provider might recommend a biopsy. This involves taking a small tissue sample for further examination under a microscope in a lab.

The entire screening typically takes 10-15 minutes, though it can take longer if a biopsy is needed.

After the Appointment:
  • The dermatology provider will discuss their findings and any recommended next steps. 
  • If a biopsy was performed, you’ll need to wait for the lab results, which usually take a few days to a couple of weeks.

A skin cancer screening is a vital tool for early detection, which is crucial for successful treatment. If you have any concerns about your skin or have a history of sunburns, talk to your doctor about scheduling a skin cancer screening with a dermatology provider.

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